Surviving The END OF TIME

“Lies are neither bad nor good. Like a fire they can either keep you warm or burn you to death, depending on how they’re used.” ― Max Brooks


Revised Jan 24, 2024

If you look outside, the apocalypse has already begun. Unfortunately, it isn’t like in the films.

In Max Brooks’ World War Z (2006), the zombie pandemic starts in China. However, since China helped to fund the film (2013), they asked that North Korea be the place of origin instead.

Mmmm, this plot seems familiar. In 1910, Jack London wrote “The Unparalleled Invasion” about the West invading China and using a plague like biological weapons to stop it from spreading its power. In the end, the West promised to never use such a weapon of mass destruction again. Predates the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, and the call to never use such a weapon of mass destruction again on anyone.

Canary in the Coal Mines

Zombie pop culture has become popular in the West. This has spread to Asia too which has developed its own version. If you like these films of the Apocalypse, you might want to learn more about Asian culture to appreciate them more.

This guide to Asian horror will change the way you view Asian culture and possibly Western culture. We are the demons that haunt us. Even if you don’t believe in ghosts with its cult of phantasmagoria. Those things that go bump in the night and even in the light are like the canary in the coal mines or minds. Horror is a mirror to our society.

Look around you. Something is not right. Heck even the bees are dying.


PowerPoint: Stein, Wayne. “Zombie Assignment.”

Stein, Wayne. “Japanese Zombies: Film and Literature Syllabus.”

–Doc Nirvana

AKA Dr. Wayne Stein