Luminescence into Radiance

The Intruder / My Lymphoma Cancer has returned. Jan 24, 2023

Have returned to my treatments at MD Anderson Cancer Center. I was cancer free, but not now. Please help support my efforts. The expenses are not cheap. I am constantly broke. Your support means the world to me. Thank you to all! Blessings to all. This time my head is affected. I have extreme headaches and head pains. Staying positive and moving forward. I use intense my own mindful meditation and my own yoga techniques. Pray for me. Donate if you can. What you can. Click the link. DONATE IF YOU CAN:

This was a draft of the chapter called: “Transformational Dreams of a Warrior of Luminosity” in the book, Inspired Learning. I just added biographical information. I liked the metaphor!

by Dr. Wayne Stein

Fight to the Death: Tibetan Stages of Death

If you want to understand the unDead, perhaps you need to study the stages of dying. Tibetan mystics have spent a lot of time on this, so there are a few things we can learn. Ready?

Basically, living is the art of dying. You are born to one day die. So if you meditate on the stages of death, you can manage the time when you actually die. The Tibetan Book of the Dead goes into much detail about the stages of death.

  1. Earth into Water. A “smoke zone” of yellow becomes blue.
  2. Water into Fire. “Blue green light of fireflies” becomes red.
  3. Fire into Air, Wind. The “candle flame” of red becomes an “infinite white.”
  4. Air into Consciousness. The whiteness appears.
  5. Consciousness into Luminance. Awareness of whiteness becomes an “infinite moonlit sky.
  6. Luminescence into Radiance. Becomes a “reddish-orange” radiance.
  7. Radiance into Imminence. Becomes “dark-lit sky,” “a brilliant blackness.”
  8. Imminence into Transparency. Becomes a sunlight.

Therefore, you transform from the elements of the body into the lightness of the cosmos and return to the original nature which in turns cycles back into the elements as you are reborn into a new body. Over and over.

So how does this help us become better demon fighters? Hungry ghosts, fox spirits, and demons are seduced by these lights of energy. Basically, everything is energy. By understanding this, we begin to see the way demons or the unDead see. This is very helpful.

If one is able to radiate less energy or light, then demons might not be so seduced. Zombies don’t eat zombies. Hungry ghosts don’t crave ghosts. The food they want has a radiance of animated delight that remain noticeable, desired, and smelly.

Basically, we are like the glow in the dark, radioactive raw sushi snacks that go well with saki, at the all you can eat fusion restaurant for cannibals. Getting hungry demons?

The unDead eat fresh flesh who radiate a life full of vibrant rainbows of energies of lights.

Remember the Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi, a samurai study into the art of dying as a way to fight. It was divided into the elements. A warrior must be always be prepared to die.

A demon fighter must know how to die in order to live and fight another day

–Doc Nirvana

AKA Dr. Wayne Stein

Works Cited

Dalai Lama, Capucine Henry Site. “8 Stages of Dissolution” The Third Art of Dying Conference, March 2000. 

“Rainbow Body 101: Everything =You Didn’t Know.” Gaia.