One World > Six Realms

Rebirth. Rebirth. Rebirth. . . .

The Wheel of Samsara


Déjà vu!  Did I say rebirth? Haven’t I been here before?

To understand Asian culture, understand regeneration. In Western culture, we look at heaven and hell as places to go to after death. However, in Eastern culture, those places are real realms of existence in the here and now, repeated again and again.

Jesus wasn’t the only one who came back from the dead, EVERYONE DOES. We are all reborn. Some in the East view him as a Shaman because they have their own shamans. We are sort of stuck in a loop, returning again and again within a cycle of doom.

Life is fleeting. How many funerals do you have to attend? How many family members whom you loved, friends whom you admired , and people whom you have respected have died? When will you finally understand the true value of life?

Thieves are stealing your energy. We call them demons, but they are more like vampires or succubus or fox spirits in the East, a Huli jing (狐狸精).   However, most of us have become like zombies, sort of walking through life without really living.

Our minds have been eaten away from the propaganda of modernity. Like the zombie whom don’t feast on each other. We have allowed our mind to be eaten by the time bandits of normalcy. Horror in art becomes a metaphor for the phantasmagorical realm called life where. we overlook, overthink, and overdo our lust for power. We waste our time doing that which is not important.

The children should be hugged, the sick should be cared for, and the elderly should be taken care of. Compassion is the key. We are here to help others!

Our purpose is to die, the last death, not return to the absurd comedy that we have mistaken for reality.

We have been reborn into each realm over and over. However, we forgot. If we can learn from our experiences, we have a chance. Each realm has it own demons. Indeed, a demon is simply a time bandit who insists that they understand the laws of that realm. However, they are most ignorant. Just like hungry ghosts who cannot eat because their neck is too long and thin and food will not pass through. Look at these realms, you live in each yearly, daily, hourly, minutely, and even simultaneously.

Déjà vu!


Asian cosmology is about six realms in one world. Above is a bhavachakra, the Wheel of Samsara. You can see the six realms within the body of Yama, the lord of death. Within us all lies the six realms.


The gods or rich possess anything and anyone they want. In such a world of plenty, they are actually in a type of hell. Their egos lust for more and more. Never satisfied. One can own the world, but not oneself. They are doomed.


The generals and soldiers are masters of fighting and have spent a lifetime perfecting their skills. However, they are also in a hell, a sort of PTSD caused from such violence. One can be undefeated, but one cannot defeat the loneliness of power. They want peace, but live in a state of war. Doomed.


These beings have died but hunger and thirst for more life, yet they cannot find any way to satiate their desires. They can see the food on the table, but they cannot enjoy the feast. Doomed.


These are slaves and used for work by humans. Their lives are hard and difficult. The survival of the fittest. They can spend a lifetime serving others, but they cannot find compassion from the masters. Doomed.


Hell is a terrible place to be full of torture and pain. Doomed. However, there is a way out. Indeed, all realms have an escape plan.


This is the best realm, not because life possesses less suffering but because here you can learn how to liberated from DEATH AND REBIRTH.

NIRVANA: Extinguishing the Flame

Only humans possess the key to liberation. Of course, not many hold the key! Though one is surrounded by flames, the way out does exist.

The wheel of samsara is Tibetan, but its origin is from India and the caste system. We are one people, six different castes or class systems. We have yet to liberate ourselves from history.


We forget that we are one. A unified whole. The wheel of samsara is the wheel of lies or illusions.

Déjà vu!  Did I say rebirth? Haven’t I been here before?

Yes! Time to leave!

–Doc Nirvana