BRUCE LEE > Be Water (水 Shuǐ)!

Jan 28, 2023 Revision


K-Pop JTL > > > > > > > > > >Enter the DRAGON

The Big Boss (1971 Mistakenly called Fist of Fury), set in Thailand, a star is born! 

Fist of Fury (1972 Chinese Connection), made him a superstar in AsiaJackie did a sequel, Jet and Donnie did too.

Way of the Dragon (1972 Return of the Dragon). Italy with Chuck Norris, most popular to Chinese!

Game of Death, Game of Death II, originally set in Korea, unfinished.

Enter the Dragon (1973 Warner Brothers), the classic, made him an international superstar! 

Bruce Lee only made five films, yet he changed the world. He was mixed, part German Jewish . To Chinese growing up, he was a foreign devil, pollution. He learned to fight because he had no choice. I too am mixed, part German Jewish and had similar experiences. Hated by Asians and Whites, I too learned to fight. I had no choice. So when I learned about Bruce Lee, I found my idol, my mirror.

Even today, when I enter a Chinese restaurant or buy food at a Chinese grocery store, I am often treated like shit! So I usually order food to go at restaurants to avoid how I am served. I fear they have spit into my food. There are certain cashiers at Chinese certain grocery stores I try to avoid. I even confronted one racist cashier one day. She was shocked and acted innocent, but I still avoid her. She still treats me like shit. Nothing changes, as hate grows.

Sadly, I grew up alone, but I am fine with that reality. So to read that Bruce experienced similar treatment makes me feel better. However, being alone without family and friends is not easy. Even at my work, I am often treated like shit at my university. If I complain, I am treated even worse. They do nothing to solve the reality of racism.

Once the Dean, the Chair, and others in Administration put me on trial. Why? I complained that the school is racist. Nothing changed. I was attacked. So I stopped complaining. I stopped caring. Indeed, I still hate teaching at my school, but I love my students.

Bruce faced so much discrimination in Hollywood. I lived there, and I hated Hollyweird. However, I loved my neighbors. Yes, I had my own fight club to become better at fighting.

Since devils like us have no choice, I learned to fight or die. We are the songs we sing. I sang for freedom, for respect, and for acceptance. I question the dynamics of Christianity because of all those who seem to say Jesus the loudest are the ones who attacked me the most. Yet, they were the worst bullies and the worst fighters. I always beat them.

What kind of religion teaches oppression instead of love? Churches still remain segregated. There are Korean Churches, Chinese Churches, White Churches, LatinX Churches, and Black Churches. When they die, their are Korean funerals, Chinese funerals, White funerals, LatinX funerals, and Black funerals. I guest there are Korean gods, Chinese gods, White gods, LatinX gods, and Black gods. Segregated gods. Strange. What religion teaches segregation instead of unity? Something remains missing: Love, Compassion, and Respect.

Bruce Lee said we are one people. Sadly, we don’t act like that way. We all seem to sing different songs.

Directions for B- Sim: Bruceploitation Simulation

  •  Write at least 3 pages. Graduate students write at least 5 pages. Bruce Lee, serious face
  •  Failure to use a work we examined will mean a grade of “F.”
  •  Post it in Drop Box.
Image result for hong kong protests  2020"

Be creative! 

Bruce Lee died while making Game of Death (GOD) in 1973. Robert Clouse finished a version of it in 2000, changing the plot and adding a variety of Bruce Lee doubles. By adding biographical elements of Bruce Lee’s life, the film became a Bruceploitation flick.  Imagine that you are the director, instead of Clouse, and you were asked to finished the film. How would you change the film and make it better?

You might watch Bruce Lee: A Warrior’s Journey which tried to recreate the original version that Bruce Lee wanted and stick to the original plot. However, alter the film a bit. Create something better. Focus on a key scene that you add. 

Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story (1993) was directed by Rob Cohen, who also helped to write it. It less biographical and more mythical. There are many parts of the film that are inaccurate. This film  actually functions like a Bruceploitation film. Bruce Lee: The Man, The Myth (1976), starring Bruce Li, has a similar mixture of fact and fiction like the Cohen’s Dragon.

Imagine you were hired instead of Rob Cohen. How would you change Bruce? What would you add? Focus on a key scene that you might add.

BrucePloitation Parodies

Films like Balls of Fury and “Fist Full of Yen” from Kentucky Fried Film are parodies of Enter the Dragon. Bruce Lee Goes to Hell (Legacy of Bruce Lee) is perhaps the best parody of BrucePloitation films. Create a scene from a you own parody or a film. How would you change Bruce? What would you add? Focus on a key scene that you might add. Words of Wisdom: Be sure to include Bruce Lee’s philosophical ways of seeing life. Take off at least ten points from the report if you fail to add wisdom! You can use dialogue too.

Image result for Hong Kong Protests"

Ah Factor.

Just because you changed the narrative doesn’t mean it is better than or as good as the original. Beware it should impress the reader. If the new changes are boring, think again.

“B” is for BORING! “A” is for AH! Suggested Format. Feel free to alter it!

  •  Write your name on the top of the page!
  •  Include an interesting title of the simulation. Take off 5 points if no title is given. Create your own title.


INTRO. First paragraph. Give a brief background of the plot or identify the film you are modifying or adding to.

CLIMAX. Excite the reader and give a new BrucePloitation. It can be serious or funny or both!

OUTRO. Add some Bruce Wisdom. (Take off points if no wisdom is there!)


  • Bruce Lee serious face. 
  • Hong Kong New Years Protest 2020, with V for Vendetta Mask. 
  • Protest in Hong Kong 1919 with  sign: “Free Hong Kong Democracy Now”!

–Doc Wayne “Fist of Fury” Stein, the White Tiger of the Rocky Mountains of the Deep State of Okie Land, Home of one of the worse RACE Massacre > TULSA RACE MASSACRE (1921)